How to start using the LivIn App?

It's very easy!

We take care of setting up and customizing the platform according to the needs of the condominium or residential area.

After implementation, we provide training to the condominium or residential staff. We offer packages based on the number of users to be created.

Payment is made monthly, based on the number of active users. A minimum of 50 users is required.

Don't hesitate any longer and request a demo to experience firsthand all the functionalities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many programs does LivIn have?

There are three programs: one app for users, another app for security agents, and a web platform for administration.

As many as you need.

There is no limit to the number of users per unit.

No, only users added to the unit have access to the information.

How long does implementation and configuration take?

It takes approximately 3 business days.

Yes, the service includes virtual and in-person training sessions for administrators, security agents, and users.

Yes, we have plans for the implementation and configuration of the platform, depending on the number of users.

You can make the payment on a monthly or annual basis.

By check or bank transfer.

Yes, we have manuals, tutorials, and you can make inquiries about issues with technical support.